The weekly free paper usually plops through the letterbox on Thursday evenings, we know when it has arrived when Alfie, our Border Terrier, who makes up for his size with personality, barks to advise that something is happening at the front door.
I tend to come home from work on a Friday, collapse in a heap and while waiting for the kettle to boil flick through the paper removing anything that I want to keep for my Teignmouth archive. I was intrigued when I spotted a converted church for sale.
Well, it is out of our price range and we have no plans to move currently, although every now and again we do have a conversation about two of us, opps, no, three of us if we count Alfie rattling around in a house of this size,which we bought for a family we do not actually have!, but I vote we shelf the idea of moving for at least now. The thought of boxing up my study sends me into a panic of gigantic proportions!
From the main road not surprisingly, the spire of the property can be seen and I have often wondered what the property was, but never actually got around to investigating. So, from the confines of my newspaper and study with laptop I nipped onto the selling agents website and viewed the pictures. Picture number 10 of the slideshow reveals the gardens with headstones of those nuns buried within the grounds. There is also a Mausoleum in the grounds with the interred remains of the abbesses.
So, has any of these headstones been transcribed?, or are they, as they now reside in someone's garden, lost to researchers?
Disclaimer - I am not in anyway connected to the seller of the property or the selling agent.